JR Pass Price Hike Reaches 70%! Complete Guide to Alternative Japan Transportation.

JR Pass Price Hike Reaches 70%! Complete Guide to Alternative Japan Transportation.

Time10 Oct 2023


What changes are there starting in October 2023?
Change 1: Price Increase.
Prices are consistent across all channels.
Additional Value-Added Offers
Q: With rising prices, how can travelers explore Japan on a budget?
Budget 1️⃣ Japan Rail Pass
¥2 Regional JR Pass
Round-trip train ticket budget: 3 train tickets per person.
What are the differences between the 3 types of transportation tickets?

Japan's JR Will Increase Prices Starting in October! Besides regional passes, all Japan Rail Pass 7/14/21 day packages will increase by approximately 70%! Whether you use a JR PASS East Japan or JR PASS West Japan, what are the available travel options for visiting Japan in the future? Apart from purchasing a JR Pass before the price increase, what are some alternatives to the all-Japan JR Pass for transportation? Check out this editor's comprehensive guide!

What changes are there starting in October 2023?

Change 1: Price Increase.

All Japan Rail Pass 7/14/21-day packages will see a price increase of approximately 70%, including both ordinary and green class carriages.

Prices are consistent across all channels.

All websites will sell at the same price as the JR Pass official website.

Additional Value-Added Offers

Passengers can pay an extra fee to ride the Tokaido-Sanyo Shinkansen "Hope" and Sanyo-Kyushu Shinkansen "Sunrise" trains (the fastest bullet trains).

Q: With rising prices, how can travelers explore Japan on a budget?

Budget 1️⃣ Japan Rail Pass

Covers most airport-to-city center train transfers, some local trains, and almost all intercity trains.
Target customers: Customers who prioritize time and convenience over price and do not need to spend time understanding Japan's railway network.
Book in Advance! Website: https://bit.ly/43X8dZH (Pre-book by October 2023 to avoid a price difference of 60%-70%!)

¥2 Regional JR Pass

All websites will sell at the same price as the JR Pass official website. Target customers: Customers who want more flexibility and convenience, and are willing to spend some time doing basic research to save on travel expenses.
Order your JR Pass here: https://bit.ly/3QuSttW

Round-trip train ticket budget: 3 train tickets per person.

For an extra fee, travelers can ride the Tokaido-Sanyo Shinkansen "Hope" and Sanyo-Kyushu Shinkansen "Sunrise" trains (the fastest bullet trains). Target customers: Customers who have mostly determined their intercity travel routes and will only be taking a few train trips throughout their journey. Direct ticket purchasing would be more cost-effective in this scenario.
Order Shinkansen tickets: https://bit.ly/43X8dZH

What are the differences between the 3 types of transportation tickets?

1️⃣全日本JR Pass

Coverage: All areas of Japan
Validity: 7 / 14 / 21 days
Expiration Date: Unlimited date, valid for 90 days
Travel Method: Unlimited rides on JR trains, some JR buses and ferries
Ticket Type: Paper exchange voucher (global mailing)
Exchange Method: Exchange JR Pass in Japan
2️⃣ Regional JR Pass Coverage: Designated region Validity period: Continuous 1-7 days Expiration date: Unlimited, valid for 90 days from issuance Travel method: Unlimited rides on JR trains, some JR buses and ferries Ticket type: QR code / Physical exchange voucher (global mailing) Exchange method: Exchange the JR Pass in Japan.
3️⃣ Shinkansen One-Way Tickets Coverage: Each ticket covers one route.
Validity: One-time train ride.
Valid Period: Designated date and time.
Boarding Method: Each ticket allows for one ride.
Ticket Type: QR code / Paper ticket (mailed to your hotel in Japan / pick up at the airport).
Exchange Method: Exchange at ticket machines / Collect tickets in Japan.
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