The "Kaitaku no Mura Shokudo" or "Pioneer Village Cafeteria" is a charming travel point of interest nestled in the heart of Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan. Located at 50-1 Konopporo, Atsubetsucho, Atsubetsu-Ku, this unique spot offers a journey back in time, immersing visitors in Japan's rich history and culture. This cafeteria is part of the Historical Village of Hokkaido, also known as Kaitaku no Mura, a large open-air museum that showcases the architectural evolution of Hokkaido from the 1868 Meiji period to the Taisho era of the 1920s. The cafeteria itself is a replica of a Meiji-era dining establishment, providing a rustic and authentic dining experience. Visitors can indulge in a variety of traditional Japanese dishes, prepared with locally sourced ingredients. The menu changes seasonally to highlight the best produce Hokkaido has to offer. From the hearty miso soup to the delicate sashimi, every dish is a testament to Japan's culinary heritage. The Kaitaku no Mura Shokudo is more than just a place to eat; it's a destination where food, history, and culture intertwine. It's a must-visit spot for any food enthusiast or history buff exploring Sapporo.