"Taft Bee" is a hidden gem nestled in the heart of Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan. Located at 4-1-22 Kita 10 Jonishi, Kita-ku, on the 2nd floor of the Business Inn Norte 2, this travel point of interest is a must-visit for food enthusiasts and culture explorers alike. Taft Bee is a unique restaurant that offers an authentic taste of Hokkaido's local cuisine. The menu is a delectable blend of traditional Japanese dishes and innovative culinary creations, each prepared with fresh, locally sourced ingredients. The restaurant's cozy and inviting ambiance is complemented by its friendly staff, who are always ready to provide excellent service. But Taft Bee is more than just a restaurant. It's a cultural hub where locals and tourists come together to enjoy good food and company. The location, in the bustling city of Sapporo, makes it an ideal starting point for exploring the surrounding area. In short, Taft Bee is an embodiment of the Sapporo spirit - warm, welcoming, and full of delicious surprises. Whether you're a food lover looking for your next culinary adventure or a traveler seeking a unique cultural experience, Taft Bee is a destination that should not be missed.