"でりかおんどる", or Delica Ondoru, is a hidden gem nestled in the bustling city of Shinjuku, Tokyo Prefecture, Japan. Located at 1-3-20 Hyakunincho, within the 1F SK Building, this travel point of interest is a must-visit for food enthusiasts and travelers alike. Delica Ondoru offers a unique dining experience that showcases the rich and diverse culinary culture of Japan. The restaurant's menu is a blend of traditional and modern Japanese cuisine, with dishes crafted from the freshest ingredients sourced from local markets. From the moment you step into this cozy restaurant, you will be greeted with a warm and inviting ambiance that perfectly complements the exquisite food. Whether you're a local or a tourist exploring Shinjuku, Delica Ondoru is a perfect spot to enjoy a memorable meal. Its convenient location, just a stone's throw away from the city's main attractions, makes it an ideal stopover for a quick lunch or a leisurely dinner. Experience the authentic flavors of Japan at Delica Ondoru, a culinary destination that promises an unforgettable gastronomic journey in the heart of Shinjuku.