Located in the bustling heart of Minato, Tokyo Prefecture, Japan, "DEAN & DELUCA 品川" is an upscale grocery store that doubles as a charming café. Nestled on the 2nd floor of Atre Shinagawa at 2-18-1 Konan, this little gem is a delightful pitstop for locals and travelers alike. DEAN & DELUCA is renowned worldwide for its high-quality gourmet foods and beverages. The Shinagawa branch, with its postal code 108-0075, carries on this tradition, offering a wide range of international and local Japanese delicacies. Whether you're on the hunt for fresh produce, artisanal bread, exquisite cheeses, or premium coffee blends, you'll find it here. Beyond grocery shopping, the café section of DEAN & DELUCA Shinagawa offers a cozy haven to enjoy a quick bite or a leisurely meal. The menu features a variety of dishes, from hearty sandwiches to scrumptious pastries, all prepared with the same high-end ingredients found in the store. With its modern, chic ambiance and a commitment to quality, DEAN & DELUCA Shinagawa offers a unique gastronomic experience. Whether you're a food enthusiast looking for rare ingredients or a traveler seeking a taste of Tokyo's culinary scene, this store is a must-visit destination.