"色川" or Irokawa, is a hidden gem nestled in the heart of Taito City, Tokyo Prefecture, Japan. Situated at 2-6-11 Kaminarimon, this quaint and charming travel point of interest is a must-visit for all food enthusiasts. Irokawa is a traditional Unagi (eel) restaurant that has been serving its patrons for over a century and a half. The restaurant is renowned for its delicious Unaju, a dish consisting of grilled eel served over rice in a lacquered box. The eel, known for its tender texture and rich flavor, is grilled to perfection with a secret sauce that has been passed down through generations. The restaurant's old-world charm, with its wooden interiors and warm hospitality, transports you back in time, providing a unique dining experience that transcends the ordinary. Despite being located in the bustling city, Irokawa provides a tranquil retreat where you can enjoy the authentic taste of Japan. It's a must-visit destination for anyone seeking to explore the culinary delights of Tokyo.