"驛釜きしめん" (Ekigama Kishimen) is a charming, traditional Japanese restaurant nestled in the heart of Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture, Japan. It is conveniently located at 1-1-4 Meieki, Nakamura-ku, a bustling area surrounded by the vibrant life of Nagoya Chuodori, making it a perfect pit stop for travelers and locals alike. The restaurant specializes in "Kishimen", a type of wide, flat udon noodle that is a local specialty of Nagoya. At Ekigama Kishimen, these noodles are served in a variety of ways, from traditional soy-based broths to innovative fusion dishes. Each dish is meticulously prepared, showcasing the depth and versatility of Japanese cuisine. The interior of the restaurant exudes a warm and inviting atmosphere, with its wooden furnishings and soft lighting. The service is friendly and attentive, ensuring a pleasant dining experience. Whether you're a food enthusiast seeking to explore the rich culinary landscape of Japan, or a weary traveler looking for a comforting meal, Ekigama Kishimen offers an authentic taste of Nagoya's local cuisine that should not be missed. Its postal code for reference is 450-0002. Visit Ekigama Kishimen for a delightful gastronomic journey in the heart of Nagoya.