Nestled in the heart of Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan, at Minami3Jonishi1, Chuoku, Elm Bldg, 1F, lies a hidden gem known as "Soup Curry Yellow". This travel point of interest (POI) is a culinary haven for those seeking to explore the unique and rich flavors of Japanese cuisine. Soup Curry Yellow is renowned for its signature dish, the Soup Curry, a delightful fusion of aromatic spices and hearty ingredients, simmered to perfection. This local delicacy is a must-try for any food enthusiast visiting Sapporo. The restaurant's ambiance is warm and inviting, reflecting the homely charm of Hokkaido's culture. Easily accessible and located in a bustling area of the city, Soup Curry Yellow is more than just a restaurant. It's an experience that immerses you in the local culinary scene, providing an authentic taste of Sapporo's vibrant food culture. Whether you're a seasoned foodie or a curious traveler, Soup Curry Yellow promises a memorable gastronomic adventure in the heart of Sapporo.