"共栄堂" (Kyoeido) is a charming, hidden gem nestled in the heart of Chiyoda, Tokyo Prefecture, Japan. Located at 1-6 Kandajinbocho, in the basement of the Sun Building, this travel point of interest is a unique blend of traditional and modern Japanese culture. Kyoeido is a renowned fan shop that dates back to the Edo period, offering a captivating glimpse into Japan's rich history. The shop is known for its exquisite range of handcrafted fans, intricately designed with traditional Japanese motifs. These fans, known as 'sensu', are not just cooling devices but are considered works of art and symbols of status and elegance in Japanese culture. Despite its historical roots, Kyoeido has seamlessly adapted to the changing times. The shop's location in the bustling cityscape of Chiyoda, combined with its traditional charm, offers a unique and captivating experience for visitors. From the moment you step into the shop, you are transported back in time, surrounded by a stunning array of fans that reflect the craftsmanship and heritage of Japan. Whether you are a history enthusiast, an art lover, or a curious traveler, Kyoeido is a must-visit destination. It is more than just a shop; it is a testament to Japan's enduring traditions and the timeless beauty of its culture.