"馬賊" or "Bazoku" is a unique dining experience nestled in the heart of Nishinippori, Tokyo Prefecture, Japan. This charming eatery, located at 2-18-2, offers an authentic taste of Japanese cuisine, with a special emphasis on horse meat dishes, a delicacy in Japan. Bazoku is renowned for its intimate, cozy atmosphere that perfectly complements the culinary journey it offers. With its mix of traditional and innovative recipes, it provides a gastronomic adventure that appeals to both local and international palates. The restaurant's menu offers a diverse range of dishes, from succulent steaks to flavorful sashimi, all crafted from horse meat. Bazoku's commitment to quality and freshness ensures every dish is a testament to Japanese culinary excellence. This travel point of interest is not just a restaurant; it's a cultural immersion, a must-visit for any food enthusiast exploring Tokyo.