ちゃんこ霧島 両国本店
"Chanko Kirishima Ryogoku Honten" is a renowned restaurant located in the heart of Sumida, Tokyo Prefecture, Japan. Nestled in the vibrant neighborhood of Ryogoku, known as the hub of sumo wrestling, this restaurant is famed for its "Chanko" - a hot pot dish traditionally associated with sumo wrestlers. The address is 2-13-7 Ryogoku, Sumida, Tokyo, 130-0026. The restaurant's ambiance is authentically Japanese, with tatami mat flooring and low tables, providing a unique cultural dining experience. The menu at Chanko Kirishima is diverse, but the star attraction is undoubtedly the Chanko Nabe, a hearty, nutritious hot pot filled with vegetables, tofu, seafood, and meat. The restaurant also offers a variety of other sumo-inspired dishes and a selection of sake and beer, making it an ideal spot for those looking to immerse themselves in sumo culture while enjoying a delicious meal. Whether you're a sumo enthusiast or a food lover, Chanko Kirishima Ryogoku Honten is a must-visit when in Tokyo.