Located in the heart of Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan, the "Matsuo Genghis Khan Sapporo Susukino 4.2 Store" is a must-visit culinary destination for food enthusiasts. Nestled at 2-11-7 Minami 4 Jonishi, Chuo-ku, within the second floor of the Tomoru building, this restaurant is a gem in the city's vibrant 064-0804 postal code area. Matsuo Genghis Khan is renowned for its specialty - Genghis Khan, a popular Hokkaido dish of grilled mutton. The restaurant offers a unique dining experience where guests can enjoy the flavorful, succulent mutton grilled right at their tables. This interactive grilling process not only allows guests to customize their meal to their liking but also adds a fun and engaging element to the dining experience. The warm, inviting interior of the restaurant, coupled with its friendly and helpful staff, ensures a comfortable and memorable dining experience for all its guests. Whether you're a local or a tourist exploring the city, Matsuo Genghis Khan Sapporo Susukino 4.2 Store offers a true taste of Sapporo's vibrant culinary culture.