"鮨ノ蔵", also known as Sushi No Kura, is a hidden gem nestled in the heart of Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan. Located in the bustling district of Chuo-ku, at 4 Minami 2-jo Nishi, this exquisite sushi restaurant is a must-visit for any food enthusiast. The restaurant is situated in the basement level (B1f) of its building, creating a cozy and intimate atmosphere that complements the dining experience. Sushi No Kura is renowned for its exceptional sushi, crafted with the freshest seafood sourced directly from Hokkaido's bountiful waters. The master chefs display their artistry right in front of your eyes, making the dining experience interactive and unforgettable. Despite its unassuming exterior, Sushi No Kura is a culinary haven that offers an authentic taste of Japan. It is a perfect destination for those seeking a traditional sushi experience in a warm and welcoming setting. The restaurant's postal code is 060-0062. Remember to make a reservation before you visit, as this popular spot is often fully booked.