Naruto Kitchen Susukino is a gem nestled in the bustling city of Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan. Located at 5-13 Minami 5 Jonishi, Chuo-ku, Asil Sapporo 2F, this restaurant is a must-visit for food lovers. It is known for its unique fusion of traditional Japanese cuisine with a modern twist. The restaurant's menu is inspired by the flavors of Naruto city in Tokushima Prefecture, offering a variety of dishes that are both visually appealing and tantalizing to the taste buds. The interior is warm and inviting, boasting a cozy atmosphere that makes guests feel right at home. Whether you're a local or a tourist, Naruto Kitchen Susukino is a culinary experience you wouldn't want to miss when in Sapporo. The restaurant's location in the Susukino district, known as the entertainment hub of Sapporo, also makes it a perfect spot to unwind after a day of sightseeing or shopping.