"空弁工房" or "Soraben Kobo" is a unique dining experience nestled in the heart of Ota, Tokyo Prefecture, Japan. Conveniently situated at 3-4-2 Hanedakuko, Passenger Terminal 2 2F, it's a must-visit spot for food enthusiasts and travelers alike. Soraben Kobo is renowned for its innovative concept of offering "Ekiben", which are bento boxes sold at train stations, but this time, in an airport setting. This makes it an ideal place to grab a quick, delicious meal before your flight. The restaurant offers a broad range of bento boxes, each meticulously prepared and beautifully presented, capturing the essence of traditional Japanese cuisine. The menu features a variety of options, from sushi and sashimi to tempura and grilled items, satisfying both the adventurous and conservative palate. The location within the bustling Haneda Airport adds to its charm. While enjoying your meal, you can watch the planes take off and land, adding a sense of excitement to your dining experience. Whether you're a local resident or a traveler passing through, Soraben Kobo offers an unforgettable culinary journey through Japan's rich food culture, making it a must-visit spot in Ota, Tokyo.