Nestled in the heart of Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan, at Minami 4 Jp Nishi 5 Chome, Chuo-ku, lies the culinary gem known as "Ebi Kani Gassen". This renowned restaurant is a must-visit travel point of interest (POI) for seafood lovers visiting the land of the rising sun. Ebi Kani Gassen, which translates to 'Shrimp and Crab Battle', is famed for its exceptional seafood dishes, with a particular emphasis on crab and shrimp. The restaurant offers a variety of crab dishes, including king crab, snow crab, and hairy crab, all sourced from Hokkaido's rich and icy waters. The dining experience at Ebi Kani Gassen is enhanced by the traditional Japanese setting, which provides a warm and welcoming ambiance. The restaurant’s interior is beautifully adorned with wooden accents, tatami mats, and private dining rooms, reflecting the rich culture and heritage of Japan. Whether you're a food connoisseur wanting to indulge in the best of Japanese seafood or a traveler seeking to experience authentic Hokkaido cuisine, Ebi Kani Gassen is a must-visit destination. Its unique combination of exquisite seafood, traditional setting, and warm hospitality make it a standout among Sapporo's bustling food scene.