"霸嗎拉麵", also known as Butao Ramen, is a renowned ramen restaurant nestled in the bustling heart of Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong, on Kimberley Road. This authentic Japanese eatery is a must-visit for ramen enthusiasts, offering a unique dining experience that transports you to the streets of Tokyo. Butao Ramen boasts a simplistic yet inviting ambiance, with its minimalist design and cozy seating arrangement. The restaurant is famous for its signature Butao King Ramen, a flavorful bowl of creamy pork bone broth, tender chashu, and perfectly cooked noodles. The menu also offers a variety of other ramen options, allowing customers to customize their bowls to their preference. Despite its popularity, Butao Ramen maintains a low-key profile, focusing more on the quality of its offerings than extravagant decor or promotions. The lines often stretch around the block, a testament to the restaurant's reputation for serving some of the best ramen in Hong Kong. Overall, Butao Ramen is not just a restaurant; it's a culinary journey to Japan right in the heart of Hong Kong, offering a satisfying ramen experience that will leave you craving for more.